Short Stories

Fairy deserves pain.

Pants down, her bottom is closely inspected to ensure she is fit to be punished. 

Bent over, the entrance to her anus is cleaned with a large dollop of alcohol.

Then her temperature is taken for a good few minutes with a rectal thermometer.  

"Good" declares Nanny Alice - you are fit to be severely punished!

Tinker bell must be hungry!

Breakfast time, Nanny Alice's favorite time of the day to think up new humiliating encounters! After all, Tinkerbell must be hungry!

Tinkerbell is strapped into the hard high chair. 

Nanny Alice prepares some gloopy food for her, Weetabix, fruit and milk mixed in.

Angela humiliated...

Nanny then puts Angela to sit with her sore bottom on the potty. So here`s the dilemma - does Nanny put Angela in toddler class or infant class? I think we can guess.  Toddler class means nappies and potty training; infant class means big girl knickers. Nanny taunts Angela as to whether she is potty trained. How humiliating. So, should it be "big girl knickers" or nappies?

Very 'short'!

Nanny Alice's Adult Baby Nursery London  UK





Wonderful detailed feedback...

This feedback can be found at under 'My Experience with Nanny Alice'.

(I can't link it here as the file is too big)

Outside diaper slutty sissy humiliation...

What happened to Jay in August...


'Big' boy diapered…


A 'Big boy' brought down to size with diapers and plastic pants


'Secret' Submissive Electo Slut...

Submissive Jo Jo



.... Being forcibly and strictly babified.



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