
Activities - Liquid talc...

... Liquid talc, my magic cream for your all over bodily sore muscles, as well as your tender tingly bits and pieces... ;)

"Copyright @ Nanny Alice. Any illegal reproduction of this content in any form will result in immediate action against the person concerned."

Role Play - My plastic panties and diaper smeared over your face

Here I am, Nanny Alice, in my adult baby and diaper lover nursery (ABDL) London UK, doing what I do best. And what may that be? Smearing and smothering you all over your face, when under my queening stool. Having my diaper crushing into your face. And don't I look a treat, with my long see-through plastic apron and rumba panties underneath. All this before we get to my lilly white diaper...

Role Play - Naughty nephew for New York stays the night...

Note my hair is soft and seductive, wavy, down. My new 1950s bra is making an appearance. A rare treat at my ABDL nursery here in London (as young men need an insentive to behave themselves and be rewarded for being good boys).

Role play : Toys and talc...

Selection of vibrating toys, toys to toy with you... Liquid talc, goes on moist and soft, then dries. Excellent for massages for relaxation purposes, getting all that essential information centred around nocturnal habits...

"Copyright @ Nanny Alice. Any illegal reproduction of this content in any form will result in immediate action against the person concerned."

Activities - Sweaty gym kit...

... Sweaty gym kit, sitting on naughty boy's face, stinky, heaven forbid. Decissions..... Is it going to be carrot, banana, cumcumber, and or flexible pink balls up that bottom. HUMILIATION all round ;)

P.S. My maid's Maltese Kiki makes an appearance, looking up at me adoringly as whe wags her tail.

Activities - Squeezy sissy pink balls.

Squeezy balls, nice and pert, for those a bit mad like me Nanny Alice...

"Copyright @ Nanny Alice. Any illegal reproduction of this content in any form will result in immediate action against the person concerned."

Activities - A new buzzy toy...

A new vibrating toy awaites it's visitor...

"Copyright @ Nanny Alice. Any illegal reproduction of this content in any form will result in immediate action against the person concerned."

Activities - new AB diapers

Crinkle, crinkle, creamy plastic nurse outfit. And lovely frilly apron as every self respecting ABDL Nursery Nurse needs to be looking her best... Now let me showcase my new diapers.

"Copyright @ Nanny Alice. Any illegal reproduction of this content in any form will result in immediate action against the person concerned."

Role play : Nephew watching me brush my hair...

"Here I am nephew, brushing my very long thick hair"...

"Copyright @ Nanny Alice. Any illegal reproduction of this content in any form will result in immediate action against the person concerned."

Bedtime reading...

Remember you are in the presence of a member of the Superior sex, Nanny Alice. And I have my hands full with bedtime reading. I prepare myself for your visit, and you need to come bushy tailed and ready!! There is fantasy, and then there is reality... Yes, I am STRICT, but also nurturing.

"Copyright @ Nanny Alice. Any illegal reproduction of this content in any form will result in immediate action against the person concerned."


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